Authentic Self Hypnosis – Lemurian Remembrance

I was reading a beautiful book one day (Coming Home to Lemuria, Charmian Redwood) and it really activated within me a deep remembrance of a different time on the Earth. It was all about Lemuria an ancient civilisation, this was a time when we existed in the energy of oneness and unconditional love.  The time of Lemuria came to my awareness during my Shamanic Training and I had started to work with this energy and a beautiful group of Lemurian guides. I knew deep within me that part of my calling was to help activate this Lemurian remembrance in other people. I felt called to contact the Author of the book and we instantly connected and I decided to book a healing session with her.

It was within the healing session that I was taken back into one of my life times in Lemuria and I remembered how I used to work with the Lemurian Energy, I brought this remembrance back into my physical body and to this time.   It was quite a profound session and during the session Charmian was guided to ask if I would like to learn this particular hypnosis modality. The modality had come to Charmian after a near death experience where she had crossed over to source but knew she had to come back as she had just given birth to twins.  She wanted people to experience the profound peace and feeling of unconditional love that connecting to source and yourself as your soul brings.    It was a strong yes for me and Charmian had recently been guided to pass this healing modality known as Authentic Self Hypnosis (ASH) on to other people (she has been practicing this technique for 35years) and is wealth of knowledge.   Over a number of months we met online (she is the US) and she passed on her knowledge. After 10 case studies and an assessment, I completed my apprenticeship style training.    

Using a combination of Past Life Regression and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy these guided sessions connect you to your soul and opens a direct channel of communication with your own soul essence.   You can ask Who Am I? Why am I here? Why do I have this illness? Why is this person in my life?

These sessions give you a roadmap of where you came from, where are you going, and what is blocking you. We begin by journeying up to source energy, connecting to your soul that knows everything about who you are as a being.  From this space we can ask your soul any questions you may have. We also journey forward in time where you experience yourself living your purpose and we bring that energy back to this time also. 


 The sessions go for about 2 hours and cover where you come from as a soul, what is stopping you from manifesting from the soul level and what is your soul purpose. It includes inner child work, past life regression, and connecting with guides and star family. Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control of your session at all times. The session can be recorded and you can receive a recording to continue integrating the experience. This important work is helping other people remember why they are here on earth at this time. 

These sessions give you a roadmap of where you came from, where are you going, and what is blocking you.

Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control of your session at all times. The session is recorded and you will receive the recording to continue integrating the experience.

In each session we travel to the future to see what the client is doing to fulfil their soul's purpose then we ask that future self what are the steps to getting to that place. This brings a powerful understanding of one's purpose in life and how to get there.


How Can a Healing Session Help Me?