How Can a Healing Session Help Me?


Each session is based on your intention and is completely different. The underlying fundamental belief is that we are all pure beings of light. We are all deserving of unconditional love, happiness and abundance.  Anything that is different to that belief/natural state of being is just energy. This energy may be things that we have picked up from our past lives, childhood, ancestors, society and past traumatic events. A healing session will shift any of that energy that is not us. A session will involve releasing energy, bring your own energy back to you and activating dormant energy with in you. Nothing is off limits and a session can help anyone or anything.

Often at the start of a session there maybe some conscious or subconscious resistance to your healing. This is a normal part of the healing process. Any resistance you have is met with the energy of unconditional love and acceptance.  One thing that I pride myself on is being able to create a safe space, so any resistance is always met with love and acceptance. You are met wherever you are at on your healing journey with love and compassion.

When the resistance softens we are able to go deep, right into the root cause of your intention. 

Some examples of how a session could potentially help you are given in the following real life sessions.  A client came with severe depression and anxiety and wanted help with this. This was rooted in a past life where vows and agreements had been made to not show her true self as in this particular life it had got her killed. We released the past life, unhooked the controlling, draining, depressing energy broke all vows and agreements made in that life time and the client was finally free to be herself and live happy and fulfilling life. 

Another client wanted to step into her role as a healer but was continually feeling blocked. Again we connected with the clients akashic records and she had suffered a nasty death for being a healer in a past life   Also some ancestral clearing required relating to her self-worth which had come from her mother’s side. The guides then reactivated her healing gifts and she has gone on to help many people with her healing work. 

Another example was a client who was experiencing physical symptoms in her womb space/sacral area. The client was experiencing painful menstruation and having problems with intimacy. We looked into the womb space and cleared the energy that was there. The guides simply cleared the space with love, without needing to revisit any past trauma or pain, they simply cleared it. The client no longer experienced pain in her womb or with her menstrual cycles

Sometimes the guides are required to do a soul retrieval. Recently a client was not feeling themselves after taking part in a plant medicine ceremony. The client was guided to bring back those parts of their soul that had not been called back after the original ceremony. The client once again felt whole and learnt a valuable lesson in the process. 

In order to bring through the perfect healing session for each individual I really call upon my years of practical experience and combine elements of different healing modalities, such as Shamanic Healing, Reiki and Hypnosis to help shift the energy.  I step aside, connect to our spirit guides and channel through the perfect healing for you.


Authentic Self Hypnosis – Lemurian Remembrance