About Me

Hey, I’m Kellie

Step into my world here in Vasse, Western Australia, where my journey as an intuitive healer unfolds, and discover the path that has led me to guide others towards healing and self-realization.

My name is Kellie Fraser, I am an Intuitive Healer and channel. I grew up in a quiet coastal town in Western Australia and was always happiest in nature. 

As a very sensitive child, I would often escape my home life to go the beach where I would spend hours exploring.  This love of nature led me to study Environmental Science and I began my adult life working in this career.  

I turned to my work to escape and spent much of my teenage and young adult years pouring my energy into my career and partying.  I felt that by working hard and having a nice car, house and the perfect image I had created for myself I would be happy.  The harder I worked the more I burnt out and the unhappier I became. I started a pattern of working hard, partying hard and then I would need to take timeout,  travelling to places like South America and India to do some soul searching and put the pieces back together and then repeat.

The traumatic birth of my first child in 2011 was the catalyst for my own rebirth and spiritual awakening. I could no longer escape or hide,  I had to look within.  This catalyst led me on my own healing journey. I investigated many different healing modalities and went through a deep spiritual transformation. My psychic and intuitive gifts were reactivated. Once I started on my own healing journey the passion to help others on theirs was ignited,  I began diving deep into many different courses and trainings.  

I have trained in a number of modalities all of which have helped me to be a clear channel for spirit, activated my healing gifts and guided me on to a path of deep knowing and trust.

 I am an Accredited Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Lemurian Healer, Authentic Self Hypnosis Practitioner and a Crystal Healing Practitioner.  All of which have helped to guide me on to a path of deep knowing and trust.

It is now my soul purpose and mission through my work as an Intuitive Healer to help guide people on their own spiritual transformation and discovery of self. 

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