Current Offerings

All sessions can be done in person or online.

Intuitive Healing Session

This is an in depth session to get to root cause of whatever is troubling you.  This is a channelled session where I step aside and connect to our Spirit Guides and bring through the healing that is perfect for you.   This session can address anything from depression, anxiety, trauma, releasing old patterns, relationship problems. It is effectively good for anything and everyone and is purely based on your intention, your willingness to change and letting go of whatever is challenging you. 

The session can include clearing of negative attachments, past life regression, inner child healing, removal of extraterrestrial interference, trauma release, ancestral clearing and light body activations.

Lemurian Light Activation

In the time of Lemuria we lived in the pure energy of oneness and unconditional love.  It really was heaven on Earth.  As we are now returning to a new golden age it is important for us to awaken and activate the dormant light codes within our DNA.   Working with the Lemurian Guides, I will channel through a guided journey perfect for you, to reconnect you into the energy of oneness and awaken your memories of past lives in Lemuria.  We then activate the codes that are already with you and bring this through into your current highest timeline, so we can truly live in the state of oneness and bliss once more. 

Galactic Lightbody Activation

Many indigenous cultures from around the world recognise that we come from the stars. Whilst spending time on country with an Australian Indigenous Elder I received a transmission from the Pleiadeans to help us with the constantly shifting frequencies on the planet.  This is a channelled guided journey,  specifically works with your soul star origin to activate your galactic light body.  We journey to the stars and receive healing and activations in a high frequency healing space.  We then activate the codes that are already with you and bring this through into your current highest timeline so we can truly live as our authentic selves. 

Authentic Self Hypnosis Session 

Using a combination of Past Life Regression and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy this guided session connects you to your soul.   You can ask Who Am I? Why am I here? Why do I have this illness? Why is this person in my life?

These sessions give you a roadmap of where you came from, where are you going, and what is blocking you. We can look at soul contracts with people in our life. If you have health issues we look at the original cause and then use the Soul Self energy to release them. If you are feeling bored and stuck in your job we can look at how you can move on.

Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control of your session at all times. The session can be recorded and you can receive a recording to continue integrating the experience.

“I was referred to Kellie through a very close friend who had recently had a session with her. I had been struggling with overwhelming sadness and anger following some big changes in my own life. I went to see Kellie with the intention of shifting this negative energy and seeking spiritual guidance for my future. I was not disappointed. My healing experience with Kellie was amazing. Something i have never experienced before, and I left feeling as though that dark, heavy weight had lifted, and instead, peace and hope had taken its place.”


What is Intuitive Healing and how does it work?

Intuitive healing aims to get the root cause of whatever is troubling you.   There is no problem too big or too small.  It is all based on your intention.   The healing session combines elements of different healing modalities, such as Shamanic Healing, Reiki and Hypnosis to help shift the energy.  I connect to our spirit guides and channel through the perfect healing for you.  A session will involve releasing energy that is not yours, bringing your own energy back to you and activating dormant energy within you to help you feel great!

Can Intuitive Healing help with specific issues like anxiety, stress, or physical pain?

Intuitive healing can help with any issue. There is nothing too big or too small.  The session is specific to your needs and anything can be addressed in a session. 

What can I expect during my first healing session with Kellie?

The session will be specific to your needs and your intention.  The session can be done online or in person here in Vasse.  During a session we will aim to get you into a nice comfortable and relaxed state. From there we will aim to dive deep into the root cause of your intention. This could involve clearing past lives, ancestral clearing, inner child healing, entity clearing, soul retrieval and light body activations.   During the session you are held in a safe and loving space where we are able to work together with our unconditionally loving spirit guides to help you feel amazing.   

How long does a typical healing session last?

A session usually goes for about 1.5hrs

Is there anything I need to prepare before my session?

The session will be based on your intention, willingness to change and shift the energy that has been bothering you.  In order to prepare for the session it is good for you to think about what the intention is for your healing?

Can healing sessions be done remotely, or do I need to be in Vasse?

Healing sessions can be done on zoom or in person. Both online and in person session are just as effective. 

What are Kellie's qualifications and experience in Intuitive Healing?

I have been offering my services as a healer for just over 10 years.  I have worked with hundreds of individuals during that time and have gained a great deal of practical experience working with individuals and groups.  I have trained in a number of modalities all of which have helped me to be a clear channel for spirit, activated my healing gifts and guided me on to a path of deep knowing and trust.

I am an Accredited Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Lemurian Healer, Authentic Self Hypnosis Practitioner and a Crystal Healing Practitioner.

How often should I have healing sessions for the best results?

This is different for each individual. My aim as a healer is to be here to support individuals on their healing journey but also to empower you and provide tools for you to be the master of your own energy.  Support is offered after your first session and I often check in with the guides to see if a follow up session if needed.  Often I suggest to clients that they also trust their own intuition and rebook if they have something coming up that they need some help with. 

Are the effects of a healing session immediate, or do they develop over time?

The effects are immediate, however there is an integration period for every healing.  It can take sometime for the physical body to catch up to the energetic work that has taken place. I will suggest some tools to help with your integration and I will check in with you after the session to see how you are.

Can Kellie work with children or teenagers?

I currently work with teenagers age 16 and above.

What is the process for booking a session and what are the payment options?

As session can be booked through Instagram, phone or email.  Sessions can be paid by bank transfer prior to the session.  Details are provided on booking. 

Is there a cancellation or rescheduling policy for booked sessions?

A minimum of 24hrs notice is required for cancellation

How can I provide feedback or a testimonial after my session?

Feeback can be emailed or messaged through and is much appreciated as I continue to improve my services.

Are there any resources or practices I can use between sessions to enhance my healing journey?

I will suggest some personalised  tools to help with your integration and I will check in with you after the session to see how you are. I ask your spirit guides for the best integration tools and I am available to chat if anything comes up.  

Does Kellie offer any workshops or group sessions?

Yes, I do offer workshops and group events from time to time.  Sign up to the mailing list or check in with the website to be the first to know.